Sunday Morning
Good morning. It is Sunday. Today should be the day Gido comes home. Dustin spent the night. He is still sleeping. I am having my coffee and trying to get some laundry done. Gido usually spends a lot of time on the livingroom couch, as does the dog, so I am going to wash the blanket that they sleep on to freshen it up. Max still has his cone on. He has an appointment at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning to have the button removed. He is kind of clumsy with it on, so I am a little concerned about how these two guys are going to share the space. Isis is less than ten pounds, so she will be able to sleep on Gido no problem. That will be the best medicine for him. It is going to be a busy week. Gloria has an appointment with the kidney specialist on Tuesday, and then I am scheduled for my shoulder ultrasound on Friday. I got a call on the apartment last night. The sign has only been up for a couple of days, so that is encouraging. I'm going to have to get over there and straighten up. I think I will also try to get out for a run today. Well, time to get at it. Ciao.
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