Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday Morning

Date night last night. Saw The Bourne Ultimatum. Shared popcorn. Max unimpressed at being left behind to babysit the girls.
I joined a gym. I even have a personal trainer. Her name is Cathy. She suggested that I write down what I eat for a few days. I started to keep a journal of how much I work out and run and also, how much I eat. I was shocked at how much I actually eat and the calorie content of some of that stuff. For example, I ate a cup of peanuts for a snack at 828 calories. I would have to run for two hours to use up that many calories. It is a good eye-opening exercise. She asked me what my goals were regarding training, and I told her that I want to be a better, stronger runner with nice arms. But I don't want big bulky arm muscles. I want pretty arms. Like Winter. I like her arms.
When I grow up I want to be like my kids.


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