Thursday, July 27, 2006

Aren't you glad...

...that you aren't spending your summer vacation sharing the back seat with one wet dog and a five year old who wants to know if we" are there yet?"????? See you in August!

Grandma's Puppies

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Cookie's Summer Hair-Do

Dear W,
Attempted to save a couple of dollars and started to trim Cookie's hair by myself a few weeks ago. It didn't go over so good.

Good Clean Fun

Uncle Max and Gordie

Monday, July 24, 2006

I heard...

...that we start to look like our pets after awhile!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Bump Watch for Aunty W.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Dream On

I don't believe that there is any man as talented as my husband. He amazes me. When he saw this chair at an auction, he saw past it's limitations and wanted a chance to restore it to its former glory. I thought he was nuts! Although we had refinished several pieces of furniture in the past, this one was way out of our league. It took up space in the garage for a few weeks while he researched upholstery techniques on the web. Armed with a print out of the instuctions, he proceded to strip the chair down to it's bones, carefully mapping each step with digital photos. Once the project was completely disassembled, he reinforced the frame and leg strength. We refinished the woodwork next. With key pieces of the decorative elements missing he had to get a bit creative. Wooden buttons, wood filler, staples and tacks ...voila! The dump is full of dreams that people were scared to take a chance on.

My World

There is going to come a time in the next year that we will have to decide whether to move back to Saskatchewan or not. If we go I know that one thing I will miss the most is my bathroom. It is the type of bathroom girls only dream of. I take pictures of it just in case.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Happy Birthday Max!

It is hard to believe that it has been eight years since Max has joined our family. I have always been a cat person. I probably would have stayed as such had my husband not have had to travel so much for work. It was during one of these trips that I started to think that it might be a good idea to have a dog for protection. I ran the idea by my husband when he was out of town , feeling a bit concerned for my mental health he conceded that a dog" might be a good idea someday". I knew that if I was going to have a dog it would have to be a "real" dog. To me there is no dog more" real" than "Old Yeller ". Now there was a dog! He was strong, handsome and smart! That was the dog for me. My search began as soon as I got off the phone with my husband. Strike while the iron is hot! It did not take long. I found my destiny in the classified section of the LeaderPost. He was born on a farm in Stoughton, Saskatchewan to Digger and Sunny on July 11th, 1998. At the tender age of six weeks he joined a couple of his litter mates on a trip to the "big city" and was hand delivered to the dental office where I worked, and after I paid my two hundred bucks to the man, I was the proud new mom of my fur-baby Max! Max has three feline sisters, Cookie, Chloe and Isis, who also wish him a very happy birthday.