Monday, November 12, 2007

Thanks For Your Interest, The Doghouse Is Gone!

We gave the doghouse away this weekend. We decided not to take it with us when we move back. Our new home has a small back yard, no fence and Max hasn't used it for four years. I want to leave the yard as clutter free as possible. The house hasn't sold yet. We did have one young couple go through with both sets of parents, and although everyone was positive, we have not heard back. (I think that I'll put it on Kijiji today and see what happens.) We started packing up a few things so that we can wipe out cupboards. It is going to be a busy week.

Friday, November 09, 2007


So much for time to burn, sleeping late, going to the gym and blogging my face off. I don't know where the days go. I am up early. The dog and cats did not receive the memo about daylight savings. Breakfast time is still at breakfast time. I have been trying to run daily. I don't have as much energy as I'd like. I spend a lot of time reading prostate articles on the computer. I do believe that I am ready to preform my first radical prostatectomy. I have started packing a few boxes. I have discarded several pieces of moth-eaten underwear, and have replaced them with new "going to the doctor" pieces. (I don't know why we wear our best gotch to the doctor when they don't see them anyway!) I am gaining weight. I ate several boxes of Halloween chocolate bars and it has caught up to me. I go out for lunch several times a week. I feel like I should be working.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Scary, Scary Night...Or, Waiting In Line (That is scary sometimes too!)

Waiting in line for the haunted house to begin was almost as much fun as going through the exhibit. (I know that it doesn't look like much fun, but it was.) We met two lovely young ladies and shared a few laughs. It would have been even better if Dustin was with us. Today I had lunch with my girlfriends from work and then Harvey and I went to the grocery store to get a couple of things in case the power goes out in tomorrows storm. I bought a couple of costumes for the kids for next year. I am going to try to pick up a couple more in different sizes and styles. You can't make them for the price that they are on sale right now. Oh, I think that being unemployed is going to make me run on and on about nothing when I sit down to write. I better quit now before I tell you about the type of dish soap I bought. Ciao!