Sunday, January 28, 2007
I was watching Oprah a few weeks ago. The show was titled "What's On Your Ipod?" or something like that. Anyway, I took the dog for a walk yesterday and as I walked I listened to Annie Lennox. I remember thinking as one song started that "oh hey, I like this song. They should play this at my funeral." I am not dying. I'm just planning ahead. My family and I have discussed funeral planning in the past. We aren't pessimists, we are realists. But I digress, this isn't about funerals. It is about music. What is the music of your life? Is there a song that has touched you in the past and continues to stand the test of time? Is there a book that you've read that enlightened you? Is there a movie that you've seen a hundred times and that you'll probably see a hundred more? What makes you want your heart to keep beating?
Saturday, January 27, 2007
I love the delete button. You can ramble on for a couple of minutes, sit back and read what you just wrote, say "that's crap!" and press the delete button. Too bad there wasn't a button like that for real life.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Got To Get A Dictionary
I keep putting off making a post. I keep thinking that if I wait I will be inspired by something that will make what I write seem utterly brilliant and anyone who might read whatever it was that I wrote would say "wow, why didn't I think of that. That was brilliant!" Instead I start to write and I am instantly distracted by the noxious emissions eminating from the livingroom. Neither the husband or the dog take ownership, but I have learned that the smells that begin silently are often of the canine variety and the much heralded smells are usually human. They are both strong enough to give a girl a headache and if they fill the boudoir late at night you won't get to sleep for hours. I've just opened the window. That one was definitely canine. Anyway, about the dictionary. I had to quickly edit this post because I thought I had text linked to a pretty cool site about definitions and common misspellings of everyday words. You know, words like definitely/definately, etc., ... but then when I posted and went to check it out, I found that the site was actually kind of smutty! Smutty! Noxious emissions are everywhere and sometimes you've got to close the window to keep them out.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Quit It!
The cat is driving me crazy. She is crying loudly and incessantly. When I try to ignore her, she bites my ankle. Hard. She doesn't draw blood. She used to act like this when she wanted to go outside, but she hasn't been outside for three and a half years. I had to stop letting her out because the vet bills were getting excessive. Did you know that when a cat bites another cat the cat that got bit can, and often does, get a severe abcess that runs through the muscle facia? It is a big job to clean up. Hundreds of stiches. Did you hear me Chloe? Hundreds!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Friday Night
I sometimes wish that I could write what my brain thinks, but then I realize just how dangerous that would be.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
2007 Resolutions
It has been a buzy couple of weeks around here. Christmas always comes and goes in the blink of an eye. I stuck to my resolve not to let it become all about consumerism this year. Nobody noticed, or if they did, they didn't seem to mind. We didn't overeat. That was one of the biggest changes from years past. Actually, it wasn't by conscious decision. Our chief cook and bottle washer was tied up with computer IT issues. Aaliyah Diamond is the newest member to join the family. She was quite a surprise. We were ninety-eight percent sure that she was going to be a little boy. She is very beautiful and looks like her mother. We never really know what life holds in store for us, but by all indications, 2007 promises to be a very interesting year. I intend to run a 5km and a 10km race this year. I intend to finish Boh's quilt this year. I intend to finish Demetrius's quilt this year and I intend to start and finish Aaliyah's quilt this year. 2007 looks good.