Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thursday again. No news. Book club tonight. Got to go jump in the shower. My attitude is a little "stinky". Not really. I'm just tired. And my makeup has been sucked up into my skin, so I have to start right from scratch, too far gone for touch ups!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Never Felt Like A Number Once

Today was a busy day. Started with trip to Dr. G to talk about Gido's last blood tests. I asked him if he heard anything about the bone scan. He hadn't, and so he called over to the hospital to ask for the results. Unofficially the bone scan was clean, except for the left sinus area. (Good thing I was sitting. Felt faint at "any possiblity it's malignant?") Apparently something was picked up in this area. It doesn't seem to be related to the Prostate Cancer. It may be caused by a sinus infection that Gido had. We were lucky to have Dr.G check on this before the CT Scan though, as he was able to add a head scan to the abdomen scan. Never did get around to discussing the blood work up. Got to the hospital where Gido had to put on two gowns, back open and back to front. It looked cute with his dark socks and sandles. (Really wish I had the camera!) Should be a couple of more days for results of today's tests. Feeling optimistic. Met with lawyer to sign wills in the afternoon. (Was informed that people with wills live longer than those without. Same goes for people with insurance. Couldn't get it in writing.) Next scheduled appointment with specialist is April 10th. Love to you.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

First Loose Tooth

Saturday Morning

Spent the entire morning trying to install new virus protection on computer. Felt like smashing computer at one point. Finally it is done. Gido fixed it for me. He fixes everything. Even when I stand behind his shoulder, speed reading and making suggestions, he manages to stay focused and fix everything.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Think I may be over doing it on the advil. Stomach feels sick. Like you wish you could throw up, you know, but you can't because it's not quite that bad. All day long. Done work for the week. It feels cold, like the fall has just started. Gido's CT scan scheduled for Tuesday and Dr. G wants to go over results of the last blood work up as well.

I sometimes find myself holding my breath for so long that I am aware of my brain telling myself to breathe in.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Ode To Gary

If I were meant to be somewhere, then that’s where I’d be. I couldn’t stop it if I wanted to. If I wasn’t supposed to be somewhere, I couldn't get there no matter how hard I tried. ”
Gary Renard

I don't know who Gary is. This is the quote of the day from today's paper. That would be a great job. Spend your day finding inspiring quotes. How long do you think a person could keep a job like that before they quit to become a doctor, a lawyer, or a Buddhist monk? Do you think that people realize how profound they are when they say stuff like that? It would be great to be associated with saying something brilliant, eh? Not like Donald and Rosie banter, "you are fat and I am going to send someone to your house to steal your girlfriend!" and "you are a bald poo poo-head!" I don't know if she called him a poo poo-head or not. It sounds good though. Is that how you spell poo poo-head? Anyway, I suppose if we all sat and waited for something profound to say, it would be awfully quiet.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Peeking Out From Under The Covers

I know some of you are wondering if I have gone on vacation or something. I wish! Unfortunately that is not the case. I've haven't been able to write for a few days because I haven't been able to get past the first line of an entry till now. Gido has been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. It "threw us for a loop". Can't really explain what that means, but if you have ever been "thrown for a loop", you don't need it explained. I could tell you what is going on, but it would take days between blog entries. This is a story that is best told by a man. Gido will write to you from Dog Tales. The link to this site will be permanently posted on the sidebar of this blog. (you newbies will need to click two times with your index finger on the colored words, you can write back to us the same way, double click on the word comments. it is only scary the first time you do it!) Time to go chip the ice capsule off the truck. Gido is going to take the boys back to their rightful owners. Love to you.

Friday, March 09, 2007

"The Cows Are Out! "

I'm tired. Just worked fifth day of six in a row. Came home to chaos! Reminds me of the farm when the cows got out.

I think I need a tetanus shot!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

After, The Dresser Part II

The wood is Cherry. The drawer pulls are solid brass (who knew?!) and cleaned up great. Very pleased with Master Furniture Refinisher. Age unknown, company tag on back of dresser went out of business in 1910. Definately a quality piece. Too heavy to hang off my ears!

One Sad Puppy

Saturday, March 03, 2007
